The Organ

The Organ at St. Michael’s, Peel Green.

The two manual & pedal organ in St. Michaels was originally built in 1899, by Wadsworth & Brother for Ripley Methodist Church, Derbyshire (though this is likely to be a rebuild of an earlier organ).

It was installed in St. Michaels in 1967 by J. W. Walker & Son, in its original condition (tracker action to the manuals; pneumatic action to the pedals), except the Great Clarionet was replaced by a Twelfth.

In 2007, the pneumatic pedal action was electrified, and in 2007 when the church was redecorated, the display pipes were re painted.

In 2014, the pedal springs were replaced (as these were the originals from 1899).

The manual key action is tracker, with mechanical drawstop action

The specification is:-

Pedal Organ

  1. Open Diapason                             16ft
  2. Bourdon                                         16ft

  3. Bass Flute (extension of No.2)        8ft

Great Organ

  1. Open Diapason                               8ft
  2. Stop Diapason                                8ft

  3. Dulciana                                          8ft

  4. Principal                                          4ft

  5. Harmonic Flute                               4ft

  6. Twelfth                                      2 2/3ft

  7. Piccolo                                           2ft

Swell Organ

  1. Lieblich Bourdon                          16ft

  2. Violin Diapason                              8ft

  3. Lieblich Gedact                              8ft

  4. Salicional                                       8ft

  5. Voix Celestes                                8ft

  6. Gemshorn                                     4ft

  7. Mixture                                       IIIrks

  8. Cornopean                                    8ft

  9. Oboe                                             8ft


  1. Swell Octave

  2. Swell To Great

  3. Swell to Pedal

  4. Great to Pedal

Pedal Compass: CCC-F (30 notes)

Manual Compass: CC- a3 (58 notes)

Pedal Action; Electric

Manual Action: Tracker


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