The death of a loved one is a distressing and bewildering time. One might feel a complex array of emotions and the process of organising the funeral is one more concern. Together with the funeral director, Fr. Ian and the church will guide you through the funeral service and support you in the days and years to come
What should I do if I want to arrange a funeral at Saint Michaels Church?
Contact a funeral director in the first instance
The funeral director will contact Fr. Ian and arrange for the church and vicar to be available
Fr. Ian will call you to arrange a visit where:
He will be concerned for your grief and listen to your needs.
He will discuss your requirements in the funeral service: suitable hymns, readings, music, flowers, orders of service and any other requests you may have.
He will also discuss with you the content of a tribute to your loved one within the service.
On the day of the funeral, Fr Ian will meet you at the church and conduct the service with reverence in accordance with your wishes and the discussion which took place at the visit.
Following the funeral, Fr.Ian will be glad to keep in touch and visit you according to your needs.
Your loved one will be remembered in prayers on the Sunday following the funeral at the 11:00 Parish Mass.